Saturday, March 24, 2012

Custom Trace Drawing in Illustrator

This is an Xbox 360 wireless controller I traced in Illustrator, then colored/shaded. I have a few mistakes here and there that I tried to correct but had trouble, but I think thats ok, it shows that I have more to learn and work on. But besides a some little stuff, I'm really happy with how this came out, and I'm looking forward to doing more Illustrator work.

Fruit in Illustrator

I did the pear we were instructed on doing in class, and added another fruit to complete the assingment. Making the apple was simple but fun, and I enjoy working in Illustrator greatly. Its definitely a cool program that I haven't even scratched the surface of. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Final Photoshop Project: CD

Here I re-touched my photoshop CD cover, and made a new version of what I had before.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Color Wheel in Illustrator

For the color wheel, I made a standard one, then used the blend tool to create a rippling blur around the wheel. With two others made, re-sized, and drop shadows added, you have what is the final color wheel product. I thought the blend effect was really cool looking, and I might look for ways to use it again.

Pencil in Illustrator

I made the pencil first, then I decided to add the desk, paper, eraser and floor. It was easier to make the pencil then I thought after the tutorials, and overall it took me a fair amount of time.

Boxes in Illustrator

For the boxes assignment I drew 9 Nintendo Logos/Icons in Illustrator and colored/shaded them. I thought this would have a nice bright look, and it gave my some nice variety in shapes to draw, making it good practice.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Picture re-edit Collage

Here I mixed together all four pictures used in the assignments and put them in one scene. I put the rock climber girl on a mountain in the right corner, the crew rowers on the river, the statue as a tower on the bank, and the window on a cottage at the river's edge. With some reflections, shadows, and lighting, I completed putting all four pictures in one image.